Dumpy Level

A dumpy level is a surveying instrument used to measure and establish horizontal lines, and to determine height differences and distances.

Dumpy Level:
  • Purpose: Used to establish or check points on the same horizontal plane, and to measure height differences and distances. 
  • Parts: Includes a telescope, leveling head, bubble tubes, tripod, compass, tribrach screws, and foot screws. 
  • How to use: Place the tripod on a level surface, attach the dumpy level to the tripod, extend the tripod legs, and level the dumpy level by adjusting the tripod legs until the bubble in the spirit level is centered. 
  • Focusing: To focus the dumpy level, align the eyepiece until the crosshairs are clearly visible, then adjust the focusing screw to obtain a clear image of the objective or staff. 
  • Inventor: English civil engineer William Gravatt invented the dumpy level in 1832. 
  • Advantages: More transportable and easier to use than the “Y” level.
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